Monday, July 20, 2009

July 19th, 2009

On the morning charter we visited Golden Arches. We saw a Hammerhead Shark out swimming over the drop off. Then we spotted a Devil Scorpion Fish and a Leaf Scorpion Fish. We also found a couple of octopus and both White Mouth and Undulated Moray Eels. The wind kicked up and it got a little choppy, so we headed for protection at Nai'a Bay, and were we ever glad! We saw two Tiger Sharks. I'm fairly certain they were two different sharks. One had much lighter coloration than the other... and we were close enough to see their stripes! They were shy though, so as soon as we saw them, they slowly swam away. After that we found a large White Mouth Moray out swimming, 3 Horned Helmet Conchs, a pair of Red Stripe Pipefish, the same yellow Frog Fish, and Marcie found a couple very large Crocodile Needle Fish swimming above us. Sweet day... Hammerhead and Tiger sharks!


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