July 1st, 2009
Today we did a wreck dive called the Predator. We saw both the male and female Whitley's box fish there. Gerard saw an Ono hanging out with Opelu, or the other way around. (unusual, those fish usually are found in open water, not near the reef. Divine Pygme Gobies and about 30 Taylor's Dwarf Gobies in the engine hatch. Yellow Spot (Island) Jacks were hanging out under the craft. Both Gold Lace Nudibranchs and Raspberry Nudibranchs on the wreck. Next we drifted Kaiwi Point. Again, there was a lot of destruction from the recent waves, I felt like I needed sunglasses because of all of the exposed bright, white rock. Great dive though, nice current. It was very fishy with hundreds of butterfly fish. Pyramid Butterflies, Pennant Butterflies, Blue Fin Trevalles, Red Velvet Sea Star, (felt like velvet!), Sphinx Nudibranchs, 3 Tiger Cowreys together, a Sea Cucumber Crab and an unidentified spider looking crab.
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