Monday, April 25, 2011

April 24, 2011

Went fishing yesterday with Rich Bauer. We passed by VV buoy around 6:am and hooked a spunky striped marlin that put on a great jumping display. Rich brought the fish up to the boat in about 15 minutes and we let it swim free. About an hour later we made it to C buoy passing spotted dolphins, beaked and pilot whales along the way. At C buoy we started catching 4-8# skip jack and yellowfin tunas for live baits. The first bait attracted a large bronze whaler shark that gave Rich something to tug on for awhile. Once the shark was free we resumed live baiting but started getting harrassed by a group of rough toothed dolphins. The pesky critters wouldnt leave us alone so we eventually gave up and started trolling plastics. Near VV we had a hook up that came off right away but we circled back and found a hungry spearfish that even made a few jumps. Rich had the spearfish to the back of the boat in five minutes and the fish unhooked itself.
3 days ago we had a similar trip and Rich caught a Blue marlin under 100#'s


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