July 2nd, 2009
First time to Thunder Reef after the south swell. So amazing that our critter friends held up against some impressive waves. The big yellow Frog Fish was about 5 feet away from the last place I saw it, in 60 feet of water... you know that surge had to be powerful there. Even crazier... is that inside the lava tube, which must have been a giant blowhole, all the Fellow's nudibranchs were in the same spots too... with egg sacks! I now realize that a nudibranch can make you feel, as out of your element, as a dolphin can.
Dive two was at Pyramid Pinnacle. The biggest octopus we've ever seen in Hawaii. It's head was as big as Kea's! We also found the biggest, most curmudgeony Frog Fish ever! It looked like a rock... covered in curmudgeon. The Long Nose Hawkfish and the Flame Wrasses were also still there. :-)
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