Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 8, 2011

At Nai'a Bay this morning we had friendly Spinner Dolphins! We got to hang out with them for 10 minutes or so. Yorin got really CLOSE to one. I wish I had a camera so I could've taken his picture! Something caught my eye as I was playing in mid-water with the dolphins, so I descended to the bottom at about 75 feet to inspect the critter in the rubble. It turned out to be a male Two Spot Wrasse. It gets its name for the two black spots on it's body, but this one was especially colorful. Once back on the boat I looked it up in the book, turns out the one I saw was in full courtship display! It had delicately colored spots and lines in pink, purple, green, yellow and blue! It was also fully grown according to Hoover's fish identification book. It was 6 inches.


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